Privacy Policy - Armbanz
Via this online shop, privacy-sensitive data or personal data are processed. We attach great importance to the careful handling of personal data. Personal data are therefore carefully processed and protected by us.
We are the data controller. In this privacy statement we explain which personal data we collect, use and for what purpose we use it. When questions arise, you can of course contact us.
Terms and conditions for processing personal data
When processing personal data, we comply with the requirements set by privacy legislation. For you, this means that we consider the following points important and therefore comply with them:
- We clearly state for which purposes we process personal data. You can read more about this later in this privacy statement;
- we limit the collection of personal data to only data that is necessary for legitimate purposes;
- we ask for explicit permission to process your personal data in cases where special permission is required;
- we always take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and we also require this from parties that process personal data on our behalf, where necessary this is recorded in so-called separate "processor agreements";
- we make it possible to view, correct or delete your personal data at any time.
Use of personal data
When using our webshop, we obtain certain data about you. This may also be personal data. We only store and use the personal data that you provide directly, in the context of the service you requested, for example when paying for an order.
We use the following data for the purposes stated in this privacy statement:
Email address
Name and address details
Phone number
Billing address
Email address
Payment details
IP address
For certain parts of our webshop, you must register in order to use functionality. After registration, we store the personal data you provide. We store this information so that you can use our services without having to provide information again, we may also use it to contact you in the context of the execution of the agreement, such as the agreed obligation to deliver the products from your order or to answer your questions:
Your first name, initials,
last name
email address
We will not provide the data for registration and execution of the agreement to third parties, unless this is necessary in the context of the execution of the agreement that you conclude with us or if this is legally required. In the event of a suspicion of fraud or misuse of our web shop, we may be asked to hand over personal data to the competent authorities.
Order processing
When you place an order with us, we use your personal data to process it. If necessary for proper processing, we may also provide your personal data to third parties, but we only do this with parties with whom we have concluded a processing agreement. This means you can trust that these parties will also handle your personal data as desired. You can read more about this later in this privacy statement.
In addition to the details for an account, we ask for the following details:
Street name
House number
Postal code
Phone number
Orders are further stored with the following details
Date and time of order
Order number
Order number
Invoice number
Total amounts
Delivery information
Delivery costs
Payment information
IP address
Use contact form and newsletter
We offer the possibility to ask questions via our webshop by means of an e-mail or contact form, where you are also asked to fill in data so that we can process your question more easily. You choose which data you provide. The data you send us is deleted within 30 days as standard and otherwise stored for as long as the content of your message suggests that this is necessary for the complete answer and processing thereof.
When sending messages via the webshop, we use the following data:
E-mail address
We also offer a newsletter with which we want to inform interested parties about our products and/or services. Each newsletter contains a link with which you can easily unsubscribe. Your email address will be automatically added to the database of our email software, from which a processing agreement will ensure safe handling of your personal data.
Data stored and accessible via your account dashboard
With our portal you can access a management environment where you can set, specify, change and in theory even anonymize things like address details.
The following data is stored in your account and is also visible to you:
- Orders, including the data required for processing;
- invoices, including the data required for processing.
You can always submit an additional request to change or delete data. For questions about our privacy policy, you can contact us at any time using the details below.
In addition to the information on our website, we can also inform you about our new products and services: by e-mail, via social media, push notifications, telephone or other means of communication. This only happens when you have given explicit permission for this, this permission can always be withdrawn.
When using our webshop, no data is published by default. If this happens, you choose which information you publish; for example, think of liking or following our social media channels.
Provision to third parties
We can involve its group companies and other parties in the processing of your data. To the extent that these other parties process data for the services of this webshop, they do so as a processor and we have concluded an agreement with these parties. To the extent that these other parties determine the purposes and means for processing data themselves, they do so as a controller. This also means that they must have a basis for being allowed to process your data. We are not responsible for the processing of your data by these parties. This privacy statement does not apply to this.
Our webshop uses cookies. When you visit our webshop for the first time, a message is displayed in which we explain why and for what we use these cookies. We use so-called functional and non-functional cookies. When you use this site, you consent to the use of cookies. Do you not want this? Then you can leave this site.
Using this webshop
We understand that you, as a user of this webshop, want us to handle your data with the utmost care. We therefore only work with reputable companies. To make the services of this webshop possible, we use the following third parties:
The payments and accounting are processed in accounting program Jortt. (
We use the services of Mandrill to send e-mails. (
For onboarding new users and informing them about developments at Jortt, we use the services of Mailchimp. (
Software development
Zilverline is our primary partner for the software development of this online shop. (
Amazon / AWS
For data storage we use the services of Amazon / AWS. (
For the notification of malfunctions or bugs we use the services of Rollbar. (
Creating invoices - and sending them via Jortt. (
Google services
We use Google services to track how visitors use our webshop. We have concluded a processing agreement with Google to make agreements about the handling of our data. Finally, all IP addresses of measured traffic are anonymized with us. (
Distribution partners
We use the following distribution partners:
We take careful security measures to limit misuse of and unauthorized access to personal data. These measures are part of our processes and are reviewed periodically.
Retention periods
The personal data described above are stored for as long as necessary to process your orders, including warranty. After that, your data is stored for a maximum of one year for the statistical purposes described. The data is then deleted, unless there is a legal obligation that requires longer storage (such as the fiscal retention obligation of seven years for payment data).
Third-party websites
In our shop you will also find links to websites of other parties or references to us. Although we select and monitor these relationships with care, we are not responsible for the processing of your data via these websites. This privacy statement does not apply to this.
Changes to this privacy statement
We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy statement.
Inspection and modification of your data
After logging in to your account within our web shops, you will have access to the data that we have on file. You can submit a request to modify or delete data. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, you can contact us at any time using the details below.
Dutch Data Protection Authority
Under privacy legislation, you also have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority about our processing of your personal data. You can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority for this purpose.
Our contact information:
We are happy to help you if you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, you can contact us at: